Finding a passion for the outdoors can occur at any age, and the inspirational story of Dana Sacia is a great example to prove that point. Dana is a self-described city girl gone country. She was born and raised in the city and graduated in 1993. Four years later, sheContinue Reading

The Driftless Area is renowned for beautiful natural spots, both on and off the beaten track. But how to find the waterfalls, groves, rock formations, and prairie spaces that aren’t on any tourist maps? Well, there is an activity that can help with that. Geocaching is a sport wherein aContinue Reading

“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” – Jennifer Lee I have always had a passion of helping and empowering others. Growing up on a farm provided a unique characteristic of overcoming and hard work. Throughout high school I immersed myself in areas of diversity,Continue Reading

Getting outside to enjoy some downtime exploring nature is more important now than ever.  Whether you are coming out of winter a little stir crazy, feeling the need for sunshine and fresh air because of “sheltering in place” for weeks, or just love being active this time of year, there areContinue Reading

La Crosse Paddling Club with Lori Hammes An Interview    How long has LPC been around, how did it start?LPC was formed in 2018 by a group of outdoor enthusiasts who value the numerous benefits of paddling, including exercise, friendship and a deep connection and sense of community that isContinue Reading